What Halloween Figure Are You? (MANY RESULTS WITH SIX ALL NEW ONES!!)
Hmm...you're an interesting character. You're one of those types who can really 'be seen through.' People will automatically know what you're trying to say and/or what you're feeling. The funny thing about you is that you like to scare others sometimes. You may tend to surprise them with an act or phrase. You could be considered weird, yet fun. You are also clever and perceptive =) Happy Halloween, See-Through One.
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What fun! According to the quiz, I am a Coffin.
Knock, knock. It definitely is not hollow in there. You have a strong mind of your own, and you are a protector of others. You think of them before yourself, and you make sure everything is okay around you. If you don't think that something is right, you will say so. You may tend to speak your mind a lot. You enjoy being there for the ones you care about, and as previously stated, you give them protection. Those are very good traits, but remember to think of yourself once in a while as well. Happy Halloween, Iron Shield.
Have a great weekend, Lyn!
Coffin sounds kinda creepy but it looks like a good thing to be.
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