Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My adventures for a piece of fleece

I decided I have gone long enough without beading. Last week I bought a table and I have read if you bead on a piece of fleece, your beads won't roll around. The are no stores in the Kentlands that sell fleece. So for the first time I used the Montgomery county Ride On Bus. There is a direct way to Joannes but the bus goes round about through the neighborhoods. I got off in the wrong place and then turned the wrong way and walked forever uphill, my shins were screaming. I finally broke down and called Mom admitting I got lost and she directed me the right way but I was tired so I caught another bus and finally got to the shopping center with the Joann's. I purchased my fleece and a few other notions and beads and then visited Starbucks. I was sitting by the window wondering if I wanted to try the bus again when a gentleman across the way started a conversation. We talked about me being new to the area, why I didn't have a car, my marriage, and the bus service. He was convinced I was going to get on the wrong bus and offered to drive me back to the Kentlands and I politely refused. So I dredged back over Quince Orchard and waited for the bus, about 5 minutes later here he comes, he is still convinced I won't end up where I want to. He offered to drive me again and this time I let him talk me into it. I know I know, I shouldn't have but I did get back to the kentlands in one piece. But I won't do it again, I promise.
So the rest of the afternoon I worked on my "Bead Room" which is really my other closet. When I left NC I just took all the drawers out of my organizers and threw them into two tubs. Well one tub is now empty but when I opened it I got hit with uber stale smoke odor. I'm very thankful for fabreeze.
The pics are the storage drawers, from across the room with doors open, the table with the fleece, doors closed and doors open with Sioux

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