Friday, December 01, 2006

Whew its been hectic

I didn't get to go dancing on Tuesday night. Wednesday was our semi-annual inventory and I had to pre-count all the displayed stock before I could leave. I also had to find skus for about 50 pairs of glasses-needing-demos, the lab guy had hid in the lab. I don't think they got counted last time. I couldn't even start until 8:00 because we had customers right up until the time we locked the door. Last inventory I had to be there at 6am to let the counters in and do sku checks. I think I liked this job better.

Wednesday I went in at noon and had to restock the floor and clean up after the counters.

I received my certificate for one years service and lost it. I laid it somewhere on Tuesday night. Couldn't find it on Wednesday. Found it yesterday. Glad I found it, I would have had to work another year to get another one, lol.

I discovered I can stick to the script when calling patients for the Contact Lens Super Sale but get flustered when I talk to a real live person. So I'll just make those calls before 4 pm and hope to get an answering machine. I hate hearing myself say uh.

I'm off today. I plan on going down to Salon Red and see if my hair can be fixed. I'm supposed to have a date tonight but haven't heard from the datee.

We are having a Christmas Party on the 16th and they were asking me if I was bringing a date. The company pays for my meal but a date has to pay 18.00 and its a cash bar.
I can just see me asking someone..."Hey you want to go to a Christmas Party with me and a bunch of other people you don't know? You have to pay for your own meal and your drinks. While your at it pay for my drinks too." I don't think so.

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