Monday, January 29, 2007

This weeks theme is crusing

Last year John, Wade and I went to the car show at the D.C. Covention Center. They asked if I liked car shows. I love car shows, Classic Car shows. It was a little different but I had a good time. I picked the car I wanted to
They have been advertising this years car show on the radio. Don't think we are going this year with Wade in Florida. Besides I have to work :(


Mel said...


I was already humming "It's just another manic Monday". I'm guessing it'll be sticking with me for the day.

I'm hoping that's not an indicator of what the day will actually BE like, mind you......

Unknown said...

I love car shows, too. The classic car shows are my favorites as well -
On the one hand it´s bad you can´t go to visit the show this year... but on the other hand... your work brings this cool car near =)

Mo and The Purries said...

Thanks for participating in our first Manic Monday!
Cruising a car show - a great way to spend the day!

Barb said...

I like the arrows pointing at the two of you!

Unknown said...

At the time John was upset with the photographer. Two pretty girls were in front of him in line, the photographer let them pose, and took a lot of time with them. When it was John's turn, he barely got to stand and the picture was snapped, "Next".
Wade and I had no idea we were even in the picture until it arrived.