Thursday, December 20, 2007


Yesterday I was driving to work and admiring the sea birds sitting on the street lights pruning. The road runs right next to a canal there and every morning I must go by just as they have had their meals. They sit on the light poles and preen, sometimes with their arms out to the side drying off.
Its nice to look at, the rest of the drive is pretty grimy.
So here I am driving along looking at the birds, noticing the water was very blue and what a wonderful day when..splat happened.
I thought someone threw whitewash on my car. That couldn't possibly be bird poo, there was so much of it. I couldn't see out the windshield and I was pretty quick on the washer button.

I got splatted by attractive sea birds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That musta been a very big looked like someone threw whitewash on the car.