Sunday, May 20, 2007

I have had 4000 visitors

On May 12th at 11:22 pm a visitor from Cedar Rapids Iowa was my 4000th visitor.

Anyone want to own up to it?

If not I want to thank you anyway, and hope you visit again.

Speaking of owning up to it, the venomous anonymous commenter keeps coming back. Their Ip address is unknown but it some organization in GA. I have a feeling I know who this is. I don't have a problem with them not commenting especially all the hoopla it caused the last time but I feel like I'm being watched.

I feel I'm being blogstalked.

1 comment:

Mel said...


It was ME! It was ME!!

( COULDA been me--'cuz I AM from Iowa!.....only...not there.... wasn't me.
But I WANTED it to be me and I AM from Iowa so it counts, right? LOL)

Happy 4000th views!!