Thursday, May 17, 2007

We're Back

But not online yet. At least I'm not.

The day before we left the Internet went down. It was restored in our area while we were away but when we got home, we still weren't online. After Mom spent 3 hours on the phone her computer has Internet but mine doesn't.
So I can't upload any photos to the blog yet.

I drove 16 1/2 hours yesterday. We arrived home at 3:30am. My mind is mush.

I really liked Hollywood Florida. I may move up the relocation date to September.

We got 28 miles per gallon on the trip and we filled up 5 times.

We ran into a rain storm in N.C. so bad we couldn't see the road. The speed limit was 70 but I couldn't go over 50 mph. Trucks were passing me like I was standing still. Do trucks see better up there? That went on for 20 miles then finally it let up.

After 10 all the Starbucks were closed so we were stopping at Waffle Houses for coffee. The first 3 we stopped at were clean and friendly but the one at Fort A.P. Hill were rude and refused to wait on us. I wonder if Waffle House has a website or is the corporation as computer illiterate as the employees seem to be. As soon as I'm done here I plan to check it out and complain if I can. Next time we are in that area I will go to the Petro. I usually do but I figured we had done well with Waffle house, so just continue keeping on...wrong.

I finally know what my destiny is at last. Move to Florida and become a perpetual student/beach bum.


Barb said...

Welcome back!

We visited a fast food place last year on vacation, don't recall which one, but the service was horrible. I found the company's web site online and emailed them. We got a refund in the mail for what we'd spent there.

Mel said...

Welcome back, tired journeyer!

16 1/2 hours of driving....straight?
Okay.....I guess it's worth another wade in the ocean.


*waiting patiently for vacation photos*