Seven things I didn't know last Sunday
I learned how to make my Itunes and Limewire play nice together.
Battlestar Galactica is coming back in October...Last year at the end of the season they were saying the new season starts in 2008.
I found a new way to go to school without having to sit in the I-270 parking lot and it goes by a Dunkin Donuts...mmm..iced coffee for the drive.
We left the dog crates out after last weekends dinner and the dogs actually like going into them, in fact Sioux didn't come to bed till around 2:30 last night..she was sleeping in her crate.
I save 28.36 on 3 months of synthroid with the new prescription plan than I spent with the old one.
I found out when Woozie asked...the fish and the mask are from a art fair. My brother gave it to me because its purple.
We had to buy a new device to listen to the Ipod in the car..this one is called Tunes2Go. Thanks to the Towing Company I had to spend the money I should be saving for the move...gee thanks.
I laughed at the picture. Maybe I would lose weight faster if I couldn't reach it. LOL.
Where there's a will, there's a way!
Iced coffee!! Mmmmmmmm!!!
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