Friday, June 01, 2007


We really did a good one yesterday.
We went to Sam's. While I was loading the car I gave Mom my purse and asked her to start the car. She threw the purses in, started it and then shut the door and grabbed the buggy to return. I finished loading and shut the door. Utoh, when she threw down the purse they key toggle must have locked the doors. We can't get in and the car is running.
Mom wouldn't leave her new car running in the parking lot so I ran up to Sam's and called Geico. They found all my information from my phone number and after verifying a few facts, they told me to wait by the car a tow truck would be out in 55 minutes.
65 minutes later I had to go back to the courtesy desk and call Geico again. They claim the driver was there, parked in front of the entrance and didn't see anyone so he left. This pisses me off more than anything...I was positioned to see all the entrances and a tow truck never came into the lot. Also unless I told them we were handicapped there was no way we were parked at the front and he could drive around the lot and look. So now they are telling me to wait in the front of the store to direct the driver. Mom still refused to leave the car so I took her a handful of ice. Another 35 minutes later I had to call Geico again..this time I used the elderly crutch. I was getting worried about Mom standing for 2 hours in the heat.
2 and 3/4 hours from the time stamp on the receipt and 1/4 of a tank of gas later, finally the tow truck showed up.
That was my first senior abuse of the day, now I'll tell you about the second. We packed a cooler whenever we go to Sams for the frozen stuff. That way if we need to stop somewhere else we have time..Thank the Creator we did this time otherwise all would be lost. When we arrived home I sent Mom ahead with the purses to unlock the door and get the Grannie cart. I carried the cooler and when I came to our front door I bashed into it to open it and smacked Mom right in the wrist. Then I wouldn't let her take any Hydrocodone because I was leaving for school.

Well that was my exciting day off. I went to class last night and did equations. I talked to the Ice Cream Man's voice mail and he called mine. He can't come with us on Sunday to the Pow Wow...bummer.

It must be the Blue Moon.

1 comment:

Mel said... poor things!

I'm with ya on blaming the moon, though.

For the first time in my life, I had to bungee-cord a part of my car. LOL
Definitely the moon's fault!

*sending healing thoughts to the mom*