Seven things I didn't know last Sunday
Shashi bought a new car
Dunkin Donuts lowered the price for med iced coffees to 99cents. I still have to go work out to get one.
The rental car has a button under the dash that reads ESC. If I push it will my ass explode and throw me into the air landing with a parachute? I'm to afraid to push that button.
We caught the rascally mouse last night in a trap. No more dog food stealing for him.
My competency test for MA090 is this Thursday. I have to pass it with an 80 to go on to MA091. I was having trouble in equations involving fractions and letters but a light bulb finally went on last Thursday...I think I've got it.
Don't use the Clorox pen on colored clothing. I wasn't going to but Mom insisted it I have a big bleached out circle in my Original Founding Fathers t shirt.
So Mom gave me hers and she's gonna wear mine to bed.
The math program I have to use for homework and studying will only run on Internet explorer. rats.
Lyn - I have sympathy for anyone who caught a mouse. YUK YUK. I hate them.
But thanks for the tip on Dunkin Donuts. My favorite place.
I say you push the button.
Easy for ME to say when I'm not the one in the driver's seat about to get hurled from the car.
I think I need to toss the Clorox pen before I mix it up with the Tide pen....
I will note that I'm passing off the Tide pen more often than I'm using it myself.
LOL That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
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