Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Wordless Wednesdays


Anonymous said...

very cute! which one is the real robot? ;-)

happy WW!

Anonymous said...


My Halloweenish W W is posted also.

ren powell said...

That is so funny!

Ingrid said...

I am scared !!!

Unknown said...

That's a really great costume. Hope he gets lots of treats! My WW is up too at

Meira{FB} said...

My goodness, it's a scarey spongebob! LOL! Too cute for words!

Have a wonderful Wednesday! Thank you for visiting me.

crickl said...

Hip Hip Hooray! for homemade costumes...very creative!!

crickl's nest

Anonymous said...

*lol8cute and scary. thanks for stopping by my WW

BlondeBrony said...

LOL. Love the robots.
Happy WW!

Unknown said...

News Flash
This picture was taken in the early 70's. Come on, when is that last time you saw one of those lamps?

It's Wade and I. Wade is a computer and I was a Lumberjack. We didn't know what a spongebob was and thats what we thought computers looked like.

Anonymous said...

wade here - we made them in the basement of our apartment. I remember mom spray painting the gold and painting, ever so carefully, the screen and knobs, there is even a sine wave on the screen!!! HIGH TECH for 1973. The eyes are lightbulbs, but alas, they didnt light up.