Monday, November 13, 2006

Meet my sleep theif

Last week Mom stayed at John's house to watch his dogs and left me Cheyenne to care for. Mom was only gone 3 nights but Cheyenne decided to act the monkey all 3 nights.
We thought Mom was having trouble sleeping because of menopause but it turns out it was Cheyenne all along. Almost every hour for those 3 nights he would get up to drink water or use the litter box or lick his butt. Then he would come back to bed and decide he wants to sleep where Sioux is sleeping so now I'm awake and breaking up a dog fight.
With me just getting over the flu and the insomniac dog I didn't get much sleep. So that's why not many posts last week.
But here's an oddity, My commissions were higher last week than they have been in a long time..go figure.


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

That sleep issue is the #1 reason that I'm balking at getting another pet, after losing my cat. No kids, no pets, I'm sleeping well for the first time in years...

But they're so cute, and someone to talk to!

Barb said...

We just have our dog and she's pretty quite at night.. unless she sees a leaf blowing outside or something.

Way to go on the commissions!