Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I'm a dancing fool

I never made it to the market on Monday, I was called into work early because someone called out.

I'm out of Grape Nuts and butter butter flavored stuff so I had to eat my Trader Joe's Whole Wheat Blueberry Waffles dry this morning. Yesterday I tried to make a sandwich with turkey bacon, whole wheat waffles and syrup. Didn't work out so well, I got syrup on my bathrobe and my mouse.

So after 2 days of 9+ hours at work and reasonable person would go home and rest. Right? Nah, I went dancing.

There wasn't much of a crowd participating because of the holiday rapidly approaching. For the 2 step, there were two couples and Lil ole me. I begged off the second set but was dragged in again. The restaurant must have had a few holiday parties going on and they all migrated upstairs. Two guys from the children's gym need dance partners. (It just doesn't look good for them to dance with each other) Debbie's daughter and I got dragged in. I really had a hard time getting over their T-Shirts (Uniform) that read "Got Kids". I don't know about y'all, but I did my time and that's just a scary concept thinking about kids again.

Oh the picture up top is Debbie, the Dance Instructor. I told you she was cute!

So I'm off today. I'm waiting for my jeans to dry and then I'm finally going to the market. I also have to go to the Verizon store and do something about this phone.

Does anyone see a recurring theme on here lately? Since Mom is out of town I'm running out of food, clean clothing and iced tea. I miss my Mommy.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Look at you!!! Wooohooo :)