Sunday, July 01, 2007

Seven things I didn't know last Sunday

Men are 12 times more likely to be bitten by another human being than women.

Electronic Cstats came in yesterday and I have the best score in the store with a 92.26. Fe and David took a big hit.

Hardly anyone uses the gym in this least at the times I could use the gym. It's probably really busy around 7pm on a weeknight.

If you go to the pool on a weekday afternoon alone, prepare to be stared at.

I found out my grades will be posted on the Montgomery College website, but they are having maintenance on the site and my grade isn't there yet.

I need a new bathing suit. I have lost so much weight the bottom doesn't fit well. The top is still too small tho.

The woman who lives across the hall wants our apartment. Mom let her look around. Gee Thanks Mom..Saturdays I'm so pressed for time I left my room and bathroom a mess.


Woozie said...

I've been bitten twice before, and I bit the guy (same guy) back twice. I did it harder, so after each exchange it was done.

Latharia said...

Hm. I'm female and have never been bitten. Then again, I don't personally know anyone of either gender who's been bitten by a human. No help there.

Mel said...

The girl bit me once.
I bit her back. LOL

I think that's the only other time I was bitten.
(ain't confessing the other one and you can't make me. LOL)

Jamie said...

I LOVE the amish joke, can I steal it? I LOVE your blog, BTW!