Friday, April 13, 2007

Dealing with Challenging People in the Workplace

I attended a seminar yesterday.
I signed up for it because in my review I was told "Your really smart and you treat all your patients like they are stuck on stupid, and it's being reflected in your Cstats"
So I guess I have to learn how to better deal with people. So I shelled out $30.00 and gave up my day off.
The seminar was more how to diffuse tense situations with co-workers more than with customers, but I think I learned a few things.
Besides It looks good on my resume.


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

What's a cstat?

Anonymous said...

It sounds like whoever (whomever... you can figure out the correct usage in your English classes) told you that is "stuck in high school" to me.

CSTAT - Customer Satisfaction Statistics???


Mel said...

I'm impressed you took the feedback and made some efforts to do something different.

I'da spent my energy on not shooting the messenger.

I'da gotten AROUND to looking at the feedback....but sheeeeesh.
Pot calling the kettle black with those people skills, yaknow?